Friday, November 12, 2010

Wednesday, Thursday & Today

 Running a bit behind, my bitch boss locked me out of the computer at work and cant upload on the internet cafe computers so had to wait til i got home..
On Wednesday it was my last day at work for doing my work out (at work) tried to take some pics of my heart rate going up..
 this one says 166 which is really good , i even got up to 171 but could get it quick enough cos as soon as i stopped to take the pic it went down..
 look how sweaty i got this time...
 my sweaty bar when i finished, gross hey? lol
 Got in from work yesterday and went straight to see Beryl at her new tattoo shop in Merriwa ( Na8tiv Ink), for Nathans newest tattoo
 he just come off night shift so he was pretty buggered and Beryls new gun was so quiet he fell asleep...
too cute..
I took a photo of the fairy im going to get on my back soon but it got rejected when i tried to upload it not sure what happened there...After he finished we went straight home... I was pretty buggered when i got home tried to stay up and watch some tv but i fell asleep in front of it so it was an early night for me..

Today Missy woke me up wanting to go outside i have no idea what time it was but we went straight back to bed after she finished her weewee adn then i woke up again at 5am when i heard Nathan moving around and i couldnt go back to sleep cos my stomch kept grumbling, Nathan could hear it and said he was hungry too so he pestered me to drive to mcdonalds but when we got there it was 545 and maccas didnt open til 6 so i ran into the servo and got some bread and Nathan made some eggs and sausages instead..
He went back to bed after that but i could sleep i decided to check some emails and catch up on some downloads then i was getting a bit tired so i decided to watch an episode of  "Ghost Whisperer" i recorded but i didnt last long before i fell asleep on the lounge, Nathan woke me up around 1pm wanting to go to the gym i was feeling a  littel saw from sleeping on the couch and really dopey too so i opted out of a workout today, dont feel too good about it either and we're off to perth tomorrow so not sure when i will beable to catch up....
After Nathan got back we sat around for a bit then decided to take Missy to the beach

 She Loves to runs and kept egging Nathan to run with her so he finally gave in

 Missy and Nathans foot steps

 "Come on Mum you're taking to long"

 Turtle on the beach...LOL

 Mum came for dinner and we were just finishing up and my brother rocked up he'd been to perth for the day and picked up my cousin Rob on his way home the boys are all watching the races on the TV

Saturday, November 6, 2010

feeling pumped

What an easy day today, went and filled coke machines on site so  i got to go on a little excusion but so spewing i forgot to take some photos, oh well next time, i get to do it every saturday...
So while i was on my little excursion i got phone reception and made a few calls while i had the chance, rang my mum to ask her to borrow her car next weekend for her tow ball so we can pick up our new fridge off Nathans uncle, and she wasnt feeling well AGAIN poor lady i get so worried about her sometimes, i wish i could just quit work and look after her, shes having lots of trouble keeping on top of the house work and i feel so bad cos shes got my dog to look after aswell as her own, not that she complains, i think my dog is more well behaved than, so we had a good chat before i decided it was time to get back to work, then i rang my besty to see how she is doing (been thinking bout ya Manda hope you're ok havent heard from you in a while and i left ya a nice message on you're phone when you didnt answer.... <3)  Then i got half way down the road and decided i better ring dad cos he was in perth, so sat on the side of the road and had a little chat with him b4 i headed back to work....
So back at camp i zoomed around in my little buggy
and did some work then noticed my hubby Nathan was up out of bed watching the races (hes on night shift and it was 10 am, he normally gets up at 12) so i popped by to say hello and have a giggle...
Then back to work again until 2pm then break time, I got in some kempo karate and was feeling really good after...Then i had a good rest before back to work at 5pm, there was some excitement in the bar tonight, the boys were playing a horse racing game in the gazebo and once again i didnt have the camera, there was about 10 of them playing and they all had a good go at it, they had to pick a number from the hat and it was $2 a bet...
Then when that was finished a few decided to play some cards and  i joined in but LOST....LOL it was a good night...
Now i guess its off to bed to do it all again tomorrow..
Night all...

Friday, November 5, 2010

quiet day today

Good evening
I havent had a work out today so im feeling kinda guilty might still go and do some ab work i think..
Nothing interesting going on today but thought i  might show you some pics i took from around camp!

This is a bungarro
 Some nice coloured flowers
 Vals Melbourne cup day dress up
 some more flowers

 another bungarro, you cant see it in this photo but he was cooling off under the sprinkler

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trying to loose weight

Its time to do some blogging i think so i'm taking the plunge in showing you some pics of my belly to show you where im starting at..
Here goes i took this one today.
looks like a gigantic
I am planning to lose 10kg and this is how im doing it
Nathan is also doing it and its really working for him but i dont have any photos at the moment...
This week i am doing Kempo Karate and im really enjoying it

Apparently the guy who did this program up is really popular and it cost $500 or more just for one session with him... WOH!
So this is what i looked like after the workout

Nice and red and sweaty..
I've been doing the program for a while now but im not feeling it yet, i think i need to sweat some more and eat
So wish me luck...Its meant to take 90 days..
This is me all showered and clean but still red LOL

 But dont mind the colesaw

Anyway thats about it for today as im still at work theres not much exciting stuff happening...Night night!